Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Registry Cleaners and System Tweaking Tools

I am still wondering why so many people use Registry Cleaners and System Tweaking Tools while they don't even understand what the Windows Registry is, and/or don't understand Windows basics.

"Fix errors now!" and "Make your Windows fast again!", that's how all these tools are advertised.
People download and install it - click the "Fix it all" - Button (since many of these tools have such button available) and then notice that suddenly some programs won't work anymore, errors appear and in worst case, their Windows won't boot anymore...

Yes, I've seen it all... and many still won't believe that this may be a result of these tweaking tools, because after all, they are "supposed" to improve system performance, prevent errors and make a system more stable. Huh?
In most cases, people don't have any problems in the first place - but want to use these tools anyway.

I have to admit that there are some good "tweaking tools" around as well, but you shouldn't use these if you don't have basic knowledge about the registry and Windows in general. Only delete keys if you're certain that they can be deleted. Disable services if you're certain that you don't need them, let it set policies if you understand what they do etc..

Registry Cleaning won't really improve system speed anyway. Even though there are a lot of orphaned keys/values present, you won't notice a difference in system speed. The only difference you'll notice is when you actually search in your registry - but how many people do this?

On the contrary, as a matter of fact, if you "clean" the registry frequently, it actually becomes more fragmented after a while - and *that may* result in slower system performance, although you won't notice much difference.
I rather prefer to have a lot of orphaned keys in the registry, instead of keys/values that were deleted by a registry cleaner, which were not supposed to be deleted in the first place. And that's the risk of these Registry Cleaners, because many list keys/values as orphaned or unneeded while they are actually needed.
After all, a broken registry is a broken Windows.

The same goes for tweaking tools. Tools where you can select to disable certain services and add certain policies. The "Fix it all" button is also available in most cases, or an option where you can check/select several settings - and the more settings present, the more people believe that checking/selecting them all will result in a superfast computer...
Oh yes, check them all .... and complain aftwards:

* "Help! I'm having problems with Windows updates/Automatic Updates!"

Yes, because you disabled BITS, you disabled Automatic updates, or you have set some restrictive policies related with Windows update

"Help! My add/remove programs list is empty!"

Yes, because some Registry Cleaners unfortunately delete the Uninstall key in the registry - reference here. Only new programs installed will be listed there... (See picture above)

And so many more... Check out this thread for more opinions.
So, don't use them if you don't understand these tools.

After all, Don't fix when it ain't broken!

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Thank you! you make my day so wonderful and cure my horrors (Virus Alert!)
Great article! Made me rethink my regular "cleaning" of the registry after I delete anything on the computer.

Thanks so much!
thank you, do you know how to remove the pop out window that saying computer is being attack by virus? and also theres a blinking x icon on the task bar thats says virus alert
Ferdi Bour's avatar

Ferdi Bour · 863 weeks ago

Hey miekiemoes, je verteld veel over die registry keys.. maar ik heb (sinds "domme ik" een file downloade) een aantal trojans etc in die vorm die alleen Spyware Docter tot nu toe heeft ontdekt (ik gebruik hitmanpro).. Hij zegt: 152 infecties.. waarvan ik een aantal heb kunnen verwijderen, maar door gebrek aan kennis die registry Value/key niet wegkrijg.. enig idee (aangezien ik een arme student ben) hoe ik dit kan oplossen behalve zoveel geld te betalen aan een programma?
1 reply · active 839 weeks ago
I use registry cleaners to *****FULLY UNINSTALL***** and fix erros on my PC. Let me remind you that it is possible to hack registry licence keys to get software, fix spyware, and if someone installed a prank to switch your mouse buttons randomly from the registry. Hello people you are blind if you think registry cleaners dont anything to help you. It is proven that they increase speed and fix errors/invalid keys (some that just dont belong/sorta like how your cord was cut off after birth). I do most of my registry cleaning manual since im a software engineer.
1 reply · active 705 weeks ago
My opinion is that a registry cleaner and/or a registry optimizer is a "must", and each and everyone of use must have this piece of engineering. I am personally using jv16 PowerTools 2009, because it is way better than any other registry cleaners and optimizers, giving me the opportunity to speed up my computer and make it run faster and smoother, and most important: error-free.
I must admit I used to have a registry cleaner when I first started using a computer. I first became suspicious when I formatted and did a clean installed and out of curiosity, I installed Advanced WindowsCare 2 to see what it will say (bear in mind that it was just minutes after my operating system was up and running) and the scan results came up to 124 'errors'! Huh? I only installed my security programs and just a few other applications. That was the turning point for me to ditch the registry cleaners. Of course I investigated and came across some of the articles which talked about why registry cleaners are not worth it. Now, I haven't cleaned my registry in well over a year and never will again.

I do look back when I was using them and thinking that it was rather foolish using them especially since I wasn't fully aware of what the registry is.
I don't understand any of it. I found this blog while trying to figure out what a registry i.
After reading all these different blogs I have come to the conclusion I'm making a mess of my pc.
I'm in a quandry, I I dont know whether to delete the register cleaner and now buy just an anti virus thingy, I just wouldn't know which to buy, I'm an old lady and have only been using a pc for 5 years.The little I know I figured out myelf. Wow did I run on. Interesting helpful blog
5 replies · active 788 weeks ago
hi...may i know wad is yeioyi.exe? and is it safe to delete it.? didnt seem like i installed tis and it appeared out of no where. ur help is deeply appreciated:)
Perhaps. Don't care.
Well, Microsoft smaller companies and no one stops using XP, Vista and 7.
I was heard about using dirty tricks of bribing in Africa to preinstall Vista instead of Ubuntu.
I wish IObit to grow.
Perhaps it'll make prices on software market smaller.
Thankyou very much. How can I learn the registry?
Good info here. Thank you. I use CCleaner and Malwarebytes, have for years with no problems. I have a problem now that I can't shut down Windows 7. I tried running Malwarebytes and it runs for about 5 seconds, then hangs. I have to log out of windows to close it. I can't even end the process.
I just ran a free register cleaner to try to keep my computer from shutting down. I keep getting two message about it being nessesary to close my program to protect my computer. I saw there was a free register cleaner on support guy called Euseng's.. should I restore what it deleted. told me I had 74 problems...I guess I deleted them...not sure...couldn't tell if it did I'm worried....not computer savvy...this problem has been driving me crazy...event 1000 and the other one is a app problem 101 I think..I just listed my problem in support under windows xp os and name crustal clear......
TheJuli1241's avatar

TheJuli1241 · 735 weeks ago

and i just scanned and have 401 ERRORS! im leaving just orphan as miekiemoes said!
Sorry, but I have to disagree with some of your post. I use Glary Utilities and both clean and de-fragment my registry with it after I uninstall anything. It makes my PC measurably faster to both boot and start applications (usually 2 to 10 seconds faster). I know many people won't notice this, but it really annoys me that so much cr*p gets left behind by so many programmes after they have been uninstalled. Some of the worst offenders are big-name security apps like McAfee and Norton/Symantec.
I have used registry cleaners for the past 10+ years. Sure, sometimes they have caused an issue but for the majority of time they do what they claim to do. I try lots of programs and uninstalling them, even with a dedicated uninstaller, bits of supposedly uninstalled software remains hidden away in places you would not expect.

I can go nuts with the registry as i have disk images to fall back to. Anyone, whether they use registry cleaners or not, should use a disk/OS image tool. There are plenty of free ones out there.

I just used 3 registry cleaners, ones i use regularly and have proven to myself do not trash my PC (always a first time though i suppose).

I ran the 3 without cleaning and got the following error count for each cleaner program 226/126/310. Cleaned the first 266 and re-ran the second cleaner and the error count went from 126 to 57.

Cleaned the 57, re-ran the third cleaner again and got 223 errors which i cleaned.

All up, cleaned out 546 errors.

As you can see, different cleaners work differently and find errors in different places of the registry.

Admittedly, this is a small number of reg entries in the context of the registry as a whole and will likely show no increase in speed but if they are junk then why have them.

Windows registry grows daily, with entries for every thing you do and where you go. Eventually, this will have an impact. Some people have to reinstall their OS to fix problems and/or to get speed back. This should be an absolute last resort. Do some careful regular house cleaning and all should be well.

Okay, but you used the example of something that rarely happens. If you do a survey, asking users to use these programs, they will say with certainty that the computer had an improvement. And the rate of people who did something wrong in relation to the problems that can be caused when using these programs is very low. As you wrote this article is great by the way, showing that there have to optimize the record, while writing has several that can optimize the registry. Some miracles put on these software and others just show that they do a more thorough cleaning than cleaning software that comes with Windows operating systems.

Not everyone knows the windows registry to know that the background is not necessary to use such programs, and that is why they end up using such programs to supposedly improve the performance of their computers. Normal users install and uninstall programs almost every day, always looking for something new, and therefore, the use of this software is advisable at the risk of the user since it is a trusted source. As an article in Microsoft's own is quoted:

Anyway, I think miracles with this software are not sure, but help the user to leave your computer cleaner.

I really worry about some of the comments, people seem like informed experts after getting info from the friendly half-geek next door or in the PC shop down the street, but frighteningly, many of those half-geeks are doing more damage than good. I think I read into the initial writeup, Registry Cleaners are a WASTE of TIME and MONEY!!!

I found this blog searching for info about one such piece of crap, offering a free download, fake 'Results' and exhorting me to hand over my credit card info to buy the Pro version. Google ran for 20 pages of 'download free XXXXXXXXXXX now' or XXXXXXXXXXX pro serial crack/keygen before i finally found some commonsense.

The damage those things can all do, you would be better off to sit at your PC, type 'Regedit' into the windows Run box, and trawl the registry manually, you might even get educated.

4 hours trawling the registry can be wonderfully educational and therapeutic. If you dont wanna do that, dont trust an app to do it, just type format C: /U in the appropriate place, every week...

You don't deserve better
Part 2:

As a system-maintenance professional I often see the damage done by level 3 users

So, push the button, let windows boot up, do your work, play your games, shut the thing down, and dial 1-800 I-am-an-idiot (He He, not a real number, but maybe it should be) next time your PC misbehaves

If I can operate for years without any A/V or firewall software, with several PC's online 24/7 and just an occasional pass with MBAM, But usually on other customer PC's, perhaps even the mac guys are under more threat

Biggest cause of ANY computer problem is User Error AKA ID-10-t errors

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